Program description
For the load of the textile industry: including spinning motors (motors controlled by variable frequency transmission) in textile, viscose fiber and other industries, various spinning machines, drawing machine loads, etc., the recommended solution: anti-harmonic low-voltage intelligent power capacitor + active filter. More
Recommended plan

Recommended solution: anti-harmonic low-voltage intelligent power capacitor + active filter

In the low-voltage system, the anti-harmonic low-voltage intelligent power capacitor is configured to compensate for reactive power, and the active filter is configured to compensate for harmonics to achieve better governance effects.

User benefits

Effectively improve the power factor and avoid fines;

Reduce energy consumption and reduce production costs;

Reduce power operating costs, thereby reducing production costs;

Effectively filter out harmonics, ensure the safe and reliable operation of automated production equipment, and improve the operating efficiency of the motor;

Eliminate the hidden danger of system resonance and ensure the safety and reliability of the power supply system.

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